When to Plant Brussel Sprouts Zone 6? (Best Time)

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant brussel sprouts zone 6

Planting Brussels sprouts for a fall or winter crop is one cheap way to produce holiday veggies by Christmas.

The exciting thing about growing them in Zone 6 is they flourish well through its typical mild climate, making California, one of its jurisdictions, the top Brussel producer in the US.

However, the key factor in why these crops thrive on the land is that gardeners understand when to plant Brussel Sprouts Zone 6.

On average, growing Brussel sprouts 10 weeks before the first frost is the best time. But the more specific period is August to help them develop well.


Best Time to Brussel Sprouts Zone 6

1. Plant Brussels sprouts 10 weeks before the first frost in Zone 6.


Grow seedlings outdoors about 10 weeks before the frost.

Brussels sprouts thrive in the climates of USDA zones 2 to 10. Thus, zone 6 is also an appropriate place to grow them. But for these crops to produce a timely, healthy yield, the proper planting period is crucial.

In general, the best time to plant them in the ground is ten weeks before the first frost. Thus, you have to look up when the freezing period typically starts in your region to determine the exact date.

Since the chilly period usually starts around October 17 to 31 in zone 6, you will need to plant Brussel sprouts around August 8-22. This should give the vegetable enough time to reach a near-mature state, and a short exposure to the cold afterward will improve its taste. 

Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks prior to outdoor planting time.

If you opt for growing the plant from seeds, the Brussel sprouts growing rule is to add another 6-8 weeks before you sow them outdoors.

Therefore, if the time for transplanting Brussel sprouts in the garden is on August 8-22, the optimum period to start seeds indoors is around June 13-27. Note that you should not start later than this, as plants too young can be quite vulnerable to pests.

To grow Brussel sprouts in pots, sow the seeds in a container with the proper soil mixture ideal for seeds. Leave the pot in a room with a temperature of about 70°F to let the seeds sprout in just one week.

2. Plant in August for zone 6a and 6b.


Zone 6 is further divided into two segments – zone 6a and zone 6b, with a 5°F difference between the two. Whereas growing zone 6a can go as low as -10 °F, zone 6b can only reach -5 °F. While the difference may seem minute, it can also impact the planting and harvesting date.

To elaborate, Brussel sprouts must be harvested before the temperature dips to -10 °F. Hence, residents in zone 6b, where temperatures only reach -5 °F, are less hard-pressed to grow Brussel sprouts so that the vegetables are harvestable before the weather gets too cold.

In contrast, people in zone 6a will need to be more mindful of their sowing date. While a short period of cold will improve the vegetable’ flavor, anything below –10 °F can damage Brussel sprouts. Therefore, the planting time in zone 6a can start earlier than in zone 6b.

  • For example, in Conlen, Texas, of 6a, August 2-11 is an ideal time for transplanting Brussel sprouts for Christmas harvest, considering their first frost will start on October 11-20.
  • But planting time for Adrian, Texas, of 6b is later than Conlen since their freezing period will start on October 21-31. It means that they can grow this fall crop as late as August 12-22.

Ideally, Brussel sprouts grow best when the temperatures are between 45-75 °F. But a temperature lower than 20 °F is not ideal for them.

However, if you experience frost earlier than usual, a cold frame gardening zone 6 technique is ideal for protecting the plants from freezing temperatures. This involves placing Brussel sprouts in a cold frame, which comes with a lid that you can either open or close, depending on the weather condition.

Can Brussel Sprouts Be Planted in Early Spring? 


It is possible to plant Brussels sprouts in early spring. In fact, it is an alternative period if you miss the opportunity in the fall. Just ensure to sow seeds indoors at least six weeks before your last frost for them to grow well. 

For example, since the frosty phase ends around April 21 in the region, you can plant seeds around the 10th day in March zone 6. After the last frost date and the seedlings have grown to around 5-7 inches, you can transplant them outside.

Do Brussel Sprout Plants Come Back Every Year?

No, because they are biennials. You can use this term for plants that grow in the first year and seed in the second year.

Brussel sprouts show their growing stages in the first year, where, after planting, you will see their seedlings develop. Afterward, they will produce yields you can harvest.

After continuous harvesting until the second year, Brussel sprouts will produce seeds, which you can use to grow a new batch.



Christmas is not complete without your freshly harvested veggies! Therefore, make sure you will plant your Brussels sprouts in August or about two months and a half before your first frost for an on-time harvest by winter.

However, you may sow Brussels sprouts indoors as late as March in the spring if you want to grow them without having to use them for the winter holidays.

Now that you know when to plant Brussel sprouts zone 6, check out your calendar and see if you still have time to plant them! Good luck!

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