When to Plant Pumpkins in Texas? The Best Planting Time

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant pumpkins in texas

Pumpkin planting has always been famous in Texas. Aside from its use for health benefits, people in Texas also use pumpkins for Autumn celebrations.

Therefore, planting pumpkins on time is essential to ensure their nutritious growth and on-time yields to achieve a timely harvest of the healthy festive fruit.

So, when to plant pumpkins in Texas? Actually, they are best planted in the summer after the last frost date and before the first frost date occurs when the daytime temperature is 18–30°C, and the soil temperature is 70°F–95°F.

Should you discover more about this? Keep reading.


Best Time to Plant Pumpkins in Texas


1. When the Summer Season Occurs.

Summer is the pumpkin planting season for the people in Texas. If you’re wondering what month is the best time to plant these fruits, early May or June is the ideal time to cultivate them.

Since pumpkins can’t thrive on wintry days, the warm weather from early May through June helps grow them outside your home.

However, we can’t always be complacent that the season timings are perfect due to varying weather and climate conditions.

Therefore, starting your seeds indoors before the summer officially starts can help reduce the chance of your pumpkins getting damaged by prolonged freezing days.

Planting pumpkins outdoors usually require 85 -120 days to mature, while starting seeds indoors requires 15-20 days before transplanting them.

So, if you plan to plant your pumpkins outdoors in early May, start your seeds indoors by mid-April.

2. When the last frost date has passed.


  • Study the last frost date

One effective way to ensure that summer will start soon is to study your city’s last frost date. Once the latest frost days have passed, summer will most likely occur.

Most regions of Texas have the last frost months between February to April. So planting pumpkins outside in the early summer of May is ideal since the weather in that period is warm.

For instance, the last frost date in Austin in Central Texas is March 1st.

To ensure that your pumpkins will not suffer exposure to extended cool days, try planting them outside in early April through early May.

It works also for Dallas in North Texas with the last frost date of March 12th, plant pumpkins outdoors by April or May for your pumpkins to enjoy the sun’s heat.

However, Tyler in East Texas differs from other cities. Its last frost date occurs on April 1st, so May or June is the ideal time to plant them.

  • Consider the first frost date.

When do pumpkins grow? Planting pumpkins after the last frost date has just passed doesn’t essentially mean that it is the only period you can grow them.

You can still grow pumpkins any time as long as your city’s first frost date hasn’t yet passed.

Growing pumpkins in Texas during July or August is still possible.

As long as the pumpkin variety has short maturity days and can finish developing before the first frost occurs, it is still possible to grow them.

For example, San Antonio in Southern Texas has its first frost date on November 23rd.

Planting pumpkins like Darling and Early King in July or in August is safe to do so since they only have 90 days to mature.

It means that you can harvest them before the first frost date occurs, and you can even use them in October for Halloween or in November for Thanksgiving.

3. When the daytime temperature ranges between 18-30°c.


Pumpkins grow well and fast on warm days. So, what time of year is the best time to plant pumpkins?

Since temperatures from May to June of summer have warmed to 18-30°C, it is the perfect time to plant them outdoors.

It is worth noting that the adequate temperature upon planting fruits and vegetables, including pumpkins, is essential, as it will stimulate proper growth and nutrients.

So, temperatures below 18°C and above 35°C are not ideal and will cause pumpkins to grow slowly, bear small-sized fruits, and may even cease producing fruit.

Aside from that, pumpkins exposed to a temperature of 10°c below have a high risk of killing themselves off.

4. When the soil temperature has warmed to 70°F–95°F.


Start growing pumpkins when the soil temperature has warmed to 70ºF to 95ºF. When the soil is warm, it grows swiftly and helps develop high yields of pumpkins.

If the freezing days have just passed, the use of black plastic to cover that soil helps make them go warm.

Since black color swiftly absorbs light, it changes them into heat that alters the soil temperature.

Additionally, planting them in the proper soil type helps produce the best-looking pumpkins. Pumpkins need well-draining soil to hold only the right amount of moisture.

Since they cannot do well with cold temperatures, soil that drains well can help warm up swiftly and prevent them from dying.


In light of this information, a bit of patience in waiting for the perfect timing of when to plant pumpkins in Texas is what we need to plant and grow them at the right time.

Understanding when is the time to plant them can help you get their yields in the best conditions without suffering from late planting.

And figuring out what type of soil you need can help you grow them well and use them effectively for your recipe and autumn celebrations.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this topic and gained knowledge about planting pumpkins in Texas. Thank you!

Furthermore, there are some vegetables that you can plant in texas, explore the best time to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, and caladium bulbs if you need.

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