When to Plant Tulip Bulbs in Texas for Beautiful Blooms?

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant tulip bulbs in texas

You probably don’t think of tulips when Texas flowers come to mind. Indeed, their vernalization requirement makes them harder to grow in the warm climate of the Lone Star state.

However, learning when to plant tulip bulbs in Texas can be very fulfilling. Provided you sow them in December before the new year, these flowers will bloom in spring for a perfect display of colors. Note that seeding may occur earlier than December, depending on your first hard frost date.

When to Grow Tulip Bulbs in Texas


The ideal time for growing tulips in Texas is six weeks before the first hard frost. To clarify, a hard frost is when temperatures measure under 28℉, while a light frost means the weather hovers around 32 degrees.

To give an estimate, the best time to plant tulip bulbs will be around late October to December 15 in north Texas and within December in south and central Texas at the latest.

You should not wait until the new year to begin planting or start bulbs earlier in the summer. Rather, it’s best to sow tulips around Christmas or according to our frost guideline.

There are three reasons for this recommendation:

  • Planting earlier means the temperatures may be high. You don’t want tulips to produce buds only for extreme freezes to snuff them out.
  • Also, later sowing in February or January creates smaller flowers and leaves come springtime. Tulip roots grown during these months will still be developing in March and April, so the plant can’t focus solely on forming its tops and flowers.
  • On the other hand, planting from October to December lowers the risks of fungal disease and pest damage. Rodents become less active during winter, so you don’t have to worry about your tulips becoming rat food.

Now that you know the general guideline, remember to do these things prior to the tulip planting season:


  • First, buy pre-chilled bulbs in September or October. This step is a must, as tulips need vernalization to bloom. Although you may buy unchilled bulbs and refrigerate them, less work is always better.
  • Suppose you decided to stratify your bulbs anyway, store them under temperatures of 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit in a fridge with no fresh produce (i.e., fruits and vegetables). The stratification should finish within ten weeks.
  • Most importantly, look up the first frost date where you live. For example, in Dallas, the first heavy frost is on December 9 or 23. Hence, residents here can plant tulips around November 11 or October 28.

Read more: The best time to plant tulips in North Carolina, and Ohio



How late can I plant tulips in Texas?

The end of December is the latest tulip planting time for Texas. It’s ill-advised to grow them in January, as temperatures of over 60℉ may prevent root establishment.

Do tulips do well in Texas?

Tulips bloom in Texas around late February to April, so they certainly do well here with proper care. However, these flowers will wilt very quickly under Texas temperatures, so instead of the usual one to two weeks of blooming, you might find your tulips dying within days.

It’s up to you to decide whether this is worth it or not.

Are tulips perennial in Texas?

Tulips function as annuals in Texas. Unless you managed to find and plant species tulips, which suit warm climates well, discard your tulip bulbs after they finish blooming.

In Houston, for example, lady tulips will come back every year and don’t require vernalization like other varieties.

How to grow tulips in containers?

Here are some basic tips for growing tulips in pots:

  • The pot should be 24 inches in diameter and 15 inches tall, with a drain hole at the bottom. This size should accommodate around 25 bulbs, though it’s best to space the tulips an inch apart and see how many you can sow.
  • Fill the container with a commercial plant mix containing perlite and vermiculite. Cover six to seven inches of the container’s height only, as this is the sowing depth for tulip bulbs.
  • Then, place one bulb at the center of the pot, making sure you have its pointy part facing up. Continue lining the rest of the container until there’s no space left, and pour more planting mix into the container until only the top 0.5 inch is empty.
  • Lastly, move the tulips outside or keep them in your garage if the winter is too harsh where you live. Ensure the temperature is 35 to 45℉ to enable vernalization.
  • Finally, water from time to time to keep the soil wet but not soggy. Remember to use filtered water with low calcium salt content for irrigation.


Tulip season in Texas may not last long. However, that shouldn’t discourage you from growing these plants. Instead of paying money to pick tulips at a farm, why not buy flower bulbs and sow them in late fall?

The vibrant colors of tulips will add to your home’s curb appeal, and you can always gift them to friends or lovers as a token of affection.

Have you decided when to plant tulip bulbs in Texas? Let us know below.

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