When to Repot Jade Plants? – Jade Plants Caring Tips

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to repot jade plants

Jade plants are one of the best succulents used in home that many people grow because of their attractive egg-shaped leaves and forest green color.

More so, they have simple growing needs that allow them to flourish for many years.

However, despite being a low-maintenance houseplant, they still need repotting like all other indoor plants to achieve the healthiest growth and expand their roots.

Thus, learning when to repot jade plants is essential. In short, do this task every two years and when the succulent has outgrown its pot.

Repot Jade Plants Every 2-3 Years


Transplanting a jade plant at the proper time will help it prosper.

Ideally, repot it every 2-3 years to assist jade plant new growth, especially if the soil is no longer fertile enough to facilitate future development. However, you can move older crassula ovata a bit later, around once every four years.

Also, know that not all seasons are appropriate for jade plant repotting.

In practice, spring or summer is the best time to upsize your container, since jade plants will be growing throughout both periods, allowing their roots to settle into the new pot.

However, repotting them during the height of the dormant season in winter will not encourage growth. So, it is not recommendable to transfer them during this time.

Repot Your Large Jade Plant When It Grows Bigger Than the Pot

One sign that you need to replant jade plant is when it becomes so massive that the current pot can no longer contain it.

When your succulent shows no more signs of growth, the plant is likely struggling in its small pot. That is because of the lack of room for expansion, which causes it to become root-bounded below the soil.

When roots are entangled, they have fewer means to hold water to keep themselves moist and further their development. The foliage will also look wilted, and the soil will dry up.

Now, you may be tempted to leave your money plant root-bound, since it probably won’t die for maybe a few years. However, for those who prefer to grow a jade plant into a tree, repotting it is the best option.

How to Repot Jade Plants?


1. Repotting Jade Plants

  • Prepare the right pot and soil suitable for jade plants.

Pot a jade plant in a container at least 1 inch bigger and deeper than the previous one to allow more space for the roots to spread well.

Aside from that, choose a pot with drainage holes at the bottom for a proper flow of water, since jade plants are susceptible to root rot when they get too much moisture.

As for the potting soil for jade plants, use a mix composed of peat and perlite.

  • Apply soil to the new container and pull the jade plant from its old pot.

Fill the container with the soil at least 1 inch deep from the bottom. After that, pull out the plant from its pot by lifting it through the lowest part of the stem.

  • Use clean scissors to snip off excess roots.

Prepare sanitized scissors to avoid transferring diseases to the plant. Gently poke the soil in the root ball with your hands to loosen the compacted part and cut off the excess roots.

  • Transplant your jade plant and water it.

Place the succulent at the center of the pot and add soil until they cover the entire roots.

After a week, water the soil well to avoid jade plant transplant shock.

  • Set the container in a place with sufficient sunlight.

Succulents like jade plants need 6 hours of direct light to grow well. So, put them somewhere in your house where they can receive the right amount of sunshine.

Otherwise, you will get a leggy jade plant that easily bends over.

2. Repotting Jade Plant Cuttings

If you intend to multiply and form a new jade plant seedling without buying another set, just take some cuttings from the main plant and repot them.

Follow this procedure on how to repot jade plant cuttings:

  • Step 1: Choose your healthiest jade plant and remove a cutting with a length of 3 inches.
  • Step 2: Place the cutting in an area with room temperature until it’s no longer damp.
  • Step 3: Apply a rooting powder to the cutting. This will speed up the creation of a new root system.
  • Step 4: Repot the cutting in a soil with perlite.
  • Step 5: Keep the soil moist by watering it.


Why repotting jade plants might be necessary?

Repotting jade plants is crucial to encourage them to grow more. When roots have enough space, they can spread well without getting severely packed. As a result, they can get the proper water and nutrients they require to thrive more.

What type of pot to use?

Ceramic or terracotta pots are best for jade plants, since they are strong and heavy enough to give proper support and stability. If you place these plants in a lightweight pot, they may fall over.

How often does a jade plant need repotting?

Like I mentioned a while ago, jade plants only need repotting every two years when they are still small and at least every four years when they have grown large.

The good thing about them is that they take a long time to grow even an inch. For this reason, they don’t need yearly repotting.


Jade plants need repotting every two years as young succulents and four years as older plants. To achieve the most successful growth, consider repotting them whenever they have outgrown their pots.

Although these plants are easy to care for, they still require careful watering to avoid root rot. Also, make sure they get the right amount of sunshine to prevent leggy stems.

Hopefully, this post has enlightened you on when to repot jade plants!

Read more: Tips to repot a snake plant.

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