When to Plant Turnip in Mississippi? Is It The Right Time Now?

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant turnip in mississippi

Knowing when to plant turnip in Mississippi is essential because, living in the sixth hottest nation in the United States, Mississippi residents may find cold-season crops challenging to grow, especially during summertime when temperatures are high.

However, the good thing is it is still possible to grow turnips here, thanks to the spring and fall seasons when the weather is cooler.

As for the specific planting dates for turnips, August 10 to October 1 in the fall and February 1 to April 1 in springtime are the ideal days to grow them.

Best Time to Plant Turnips in Mississippi

1. Plant fall turnips in Mississippi from August 10 to October 1


Planting turnips in the fall is ideal because of the season’s low temperatures, ranging between 51-73°F.

On average, these cool-season veggies establish a healthy root system when the daytime temperature is around 40-60°F. And a temperature of at least 60°F enhances their taste.

The standard rule to know your exact planting schedule is to count nine weeks backward from your first frost date. The result would be around August 10 to October 1 in Mississippi.

Since the state is large, frost dates may vary for every city. That’s why it is essential to know first when your cold period starts. Here’s an example of how to do it.

  • For example, the first frost date in Jackson, Mississippi, is November 12.
  • The ninth week from November 12 is September 10. Therefore, the turnip greens planting time for Jackson city is this date.

More so, planting them during this time will also help provide nutritious food plots for deer since forage supply becomes limited once the warmer months arrive.

2. Plant turnip greens in Mississippi from February 1 to April 1


Mississippi vegetable planting guide dictates springtime as the next best period for planting turnips. The climate during this time is mild, which is ideal for growing this crop.

Planting turnips as early as spring will save them from getting their roots damaged by the extreme heat of summer, which can reach 100°F and above. It will also keep their sweet flavor from changing to an unpleasant taste.

If you want to produce the healthiest yields of turnips, the Mississippi planting guide is to sow their seeds in the garden about 2-3 weeks before the last spring frost.

For Mississippi, that timeframe is around February 1 to April 1, depending on where you live.

  • For example, if you live in the central part of the state, your last frost date will probably be as late as March 31.
  • Therefore, sow seeds on March 10-17 because this is the 2nd-3rd week from the last freezing period.

Best Types of Turnips to Plant in Mississippi


Turnips grow well in zone 2-9. Hence, they suit the Mississippi planting zone of 7-9.

For this reason, gardeners can grow plenty of them on the land. The Scarlet Queen crop is one of the best turnips to grow in Mississippi. This early-maturing variety will be ready for harvest only 40-45 days after planting.

The good thing about them is that they taste really well and complement a wide range of ingredients for cooking like parsley.

Planting White Lady turnips is also ideal if you prefer small-sized veggies. Although this crop grows up to 3 inches only, its taste is pleasant, whether sliced or mashed.

In addition, the Tokyo Cross variety is best if you prefer a hybrid cultivar that is sweet. It only needs 35 days to grow and can be easily put in pots.

Just Right turnips are also worth considering if you want to harvest massive yields. Although they have long maturity days of about 60-70, they develop the best texture and are great for many recipes.

How Late Can You Plant Turnips in Mississippi?


How late you can plant turnips in Mississippi will depend on how late your frost starts or ends if you prefer to grow them in spring.

The most delayed last spring frost in the state is in April. And that is around April 15 in the northern part.

Therefore, if your freezing phase ends on April 15, you can plant turnips as late as March 25-April 1 in spring. As for sowing seeds in the fall, those who live in the southern part of the state have the latest first frost.

While those in the northern part welcome freezing weather in October, southern gardeners experience them in November. Thus, if your first frost is November 30, you can plant turnips as late as September 28.


Turnips grow sweet and healthy when you plant them at ideal temperatures. Therefore, cultivate them 9 weeks before the frost starts for fall planting or at least two weeks before the cold period ends in spring.

Whether you live in the southern or northern part of the state, your frost dates will dictate the proper planting window for these crops.

Now that you know when to plant turnip in Mississippi, I bet you are ready to grow your cold-hardy veggies!

Read more about the best time to plant Turnip greens in Tennessee here.

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