When Is the Best Time to Plant Lettuce in Ohio? 2023 Updated

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin


when is the best time to plant lettuce in ohio

When is the best time to plant lettuce in Ohio? Generally, you should grow lettuce when there’s no frost. For Ohio, this would be between May 1 and October 15, give or take about two weeks for both dates.

For example, in some southern and northern areas of the Buckeye state, the last spring frost date may be April 16, and the first frost date in autumn might be October 31.

Read on for more details about the optimal lettuce planting time.

When to Plant Lettuce in Ohio?


1. Consider the frost dates

As stated above, what month to plant lettuce in depends on the frost dates for your region.

You should look up your locality’s spring and fall ice dates on almanac.com, as different areas will have different estimates. Moreover, these temporal predictions may change annually.

For example, Wooster, Ohio’s last frost date in 2020 was May 13, but in 2021, this date was May 6. Similarly, Wooster’s first frost day was October 17 in 2020, but in 2021, it was November 3.

In the meantime, check out the average frost dates for some places in Ohio below.

  • Cincinnati – April 13 & October 23
  • Cleveland – April 30 & October 23
  • Columbus – April 26 & October 13
  • Toledo – May 1 & October 8


  • If you’re wondering when to plant lettuce seedlings, you can do so 45-60 days before the last spring frost date, provided the vegetables are grown indoors. After this period, you can plant lettuce outside.
  • Aside from the Ohio vegetable planting calendar, it’s wise to consider the instructions on your seed package. The manufacturer should tell you when to sow seeds indoors and outdoors, such as “six weeks before the last frost date.”

2. Consider the ambient temperature

How cold can romaine lettuce tolerate? Generally, all types of lettuce can endure temperatures as low as 28 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if the weather is colder, these veggies will need additional protection.

Thus, whether in northeast Ohio or anywhere else, pay attention to the weather forecast and avoid subjecting your plants to extreme chills.

At the same time, use row covers and mulch to keep the soil warm, so your lettuce is less susceptible to damage from low temperatures.

Moreover, ensure the surrounding environment is 60 to 65-degree Fahrenheit if possible, as this range provides the best condition for lettuce to thrive.

Other Tips for Growing Lettuce


If you plant fall lettuce in Ohio, it’s best to pick varieties that tolerate the cold well. These include the Grand Rapids, Great Lakes 118, and Lollo Rosso.

I also recommend checking the maturation period on your seed package. If your romaine lettuce Ohio plant requires 70 days to fully grow, and your first frost date is on October 15, you’ll need to sow seeds at the start of August at the latest.

Doing so will give your plant enough time to develop and be ready for harvest. Also, check this guide to know how to harvest lettuce the right way so it can keep growing.


When is the best time to plant lettuce in Ohio? If you know the frost dates for your city, the outdoor temperature, and the development time of your seed, the answer should become obvious.

We hope this article gave you some helpful information so you can start the transplants and the crop. Thanks for reading.

Before you go, make sure to check out these related posts to other planting guides in Ohio:

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