When to Plant Beets in Zone 6?

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant beets in zone 6

Beets, also known as beetroot, are root vegetables that are a great source of fiber and nutrients. They are relatively easy to grow, but just like any other crop, they will thrive if their requirements are met and therefore, you have to know when to plant beets in zone 6 if you live here.

In zone 6a and zone 6b, the recommended planting dates are anytime from April 1 to 15 for spring planting and August 1 to September 25 for fall planting.

Best Time to Plant Beets in Zone 6

Beets are cool-season crops and can thrive well in areas within zone 6, which generally experience cold winters and warm summers.

The average minimum temperature for 6a planting zone is -5 to -10 degrees Fahrenheit, while for zone 6b, it is 0 to -5 degrees Fahrenheit. Beets are only hardy down to 28 degrees Fahrenheit, making it vital to plant them before winter. 

Zone 6 planting schedule for beets are shown below. However, it is always best to monitor your local weather, as the first and last frost dates can vary depending on your specific location.

1. Spring planting schedule


Planting beets in spring can be done from April 1 to 15 or around 2 to 3 weeks before your last frost date, as long as the soil is workable.

On average, the last spring frost for zone 6 occurs any time from March 30 to April 30, and below are the general planting dates.

Last Frost Date Planting Dates
March 30 March 09 to March 16
April 15 March 25 to April 01
April 30 April 09 to April 16

Note that you can also start seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost, then move the seedlings outside two to four weeks before freezing weather ends.

2. Fall planting schedule


If you are aiming for a fall harvest, you can plant beet seeds from August 01 to September 25 or about 4 to 6 weeks before the first fall frost in your area.

The average first fall frost for zone 6 occurs sometime between September 30 and October 30, and given this, the ideal dates for fall planting are:

First Frost Date Planting Dates
September 30 August 19 to September 02
October 15 September 03 to September 17
October 30 September 18 to October 02

Tips for Successful Beets Planting in Zone 6


Beets are root crops that prefer cool daytime temperatures and hence, they are some of the popularly grown early spring vegetables. To successfully grow beets, ensure to follow the vegetable planting guide below.

  • Germination

To encourage germination, sow beet seeds when ground temperatures are around 55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Expect the seedlings to emerge in 7 to 14 days. Beets tolerate light frosts well and prefer direct-sowing to avoid disturbing their roots.

  • Soil

Plant beets in well-drained, sandy soil with high organic matter content, in an area that receives at least 4 to 6 hours of full sun daily. Moreover, if you prefer round beets, ensure that the soil is free from rocks and other debris that could cause its deformity.

  • Spacing

To allow the roots to develop properly, plant beet seeds ½ inch deep with 3 to 4 inches of distance from each other, in rows that are 12 to 18 inches apart.

  • Water

Water the plant regularly and thoroughly with an inch of water every square foot per week. Water stress in beets, especially during the first 6 weeks, could affect root development and yield.

  • Thinning

Suppose you planted beets closer together, at a distance of one to two inches. You’ll have to thin out young beet plants to 3 to 4 inches apart once they reach about 3 inches tall. Doing so prevents overcrowding and allows the roots to grow properly, while the removed greens may be cooked and consumed.

  • Weed Control

During the first few weeks of growth, it is important to remove weeds from your garden, as they will compete with the seedlings for nutrients in the soil.

Moreover, it is important to remove them early and frequently, as waiting until weeds are large before picking them might damage the beets.

Harvesting and Storage


Depending on the variety, beets are ready for harvest 55 to 70 days after seeding. It is best to harvest them when they are still about the size of a golf ball, or 1.5 inches in diameter. Otherwise, they might become tough and woody.

To store beets, place them in a cool, dry place, at 32 degrees Fahrenheit with 95% humidity and remove the tops, leaving about 1 inch of stem.

Fresh beets will keep for 5 to 7 days in a perforated bag in the fridge, but if you want to store them for longer periods, use a polyethylene bag.


Beets are a popular garden vegetable, and growing your own beets is highly beneficial. Their growing calendar and requirements are not complicated, making them ideal for beginner gardeners.

You just have to follow the tips above and know when to plant beets in zone 6, and you are on your way to having healthy and abundant beet plants.

Read next: Planting beets in zone 7 – When is the best time?

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