When to Plant Red Potatoes for a Bountiful Harvest

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant red potatoes

When to plant red potatoes? One should plant red potatoes 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost in the north and in September to February in the south. The primary reason for such variation is that red potato is a mid-cold-season variety. Of course, there is much more to planting red potatoes, which we’ll explore in the sections below.

Best Time to Plant Red Potatoes

Before looking at the exact time for planting red potatoes, it is essential to understand the conditions they need.

  1. The temperature should be below 85°F. If the temperature increases above that, it can result in leaf crinkle and cell damage. Consequently, yield will decrease.
  2. Before planting red potatoes, ensure your area gets at least 7 to 8 hours of sunlight. They might not grow well with less sunshine, and the tubers will be

Now, we will discuss the planting time for northern and southern regions.

1. Planting in the North


Visit almanac.com/gardening/frostdates and use your zip code to find your region’s frost estimates.


For zip code 10001, the last frost date is April 3; therefore, the time for planting red potatoes is six to eight weeks before that, or February 6 to 20.

Red potatoes can take up to 4 weeks (minimum 2) to sprout, so it’s essential to protect them against freezing weather by using mulch or covers. You may also delay planting until after the last frost if you’re worried about cold temperatures damaging your crops.

2. Planting in the south


Red potatoes can grow in the south from September to February. Since southern US states experience comparatively milder winters, red potatoes can also be planted in these regions as a fall crop. Refer to the table below for state-wise planting times.

States Zones Suggested planting times
Alabama Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
Arkansas Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Delaware Zone 7 March to April
Florida Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
Zone 10 February
Zone 11 Year-round
Georgia Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
Kentucky Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Louisiana Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
Zone 10 February
Maryland Zone 5 April 15th
Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Mississippi Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
North Carolina Zone 5 April 15th
Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Oklahoma Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
South Carolina Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
Tennessee Zone 5 April 15th
Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Texas Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
Zone 9 February 14th
Virginia Zone 5 April 15th
Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April
Zone 8 March 14
West Virginia Zone 5 April 15th
Zone 6 April 7th
Zone 7 March to April

Note: The number of zones in Georgia, in Texas, and most large states is more than 3. It’s best to plant red potatoes in such states keeping in mind the zone you are in rather than just the state.

Why is Planting Red Potatoes in Fall Not Suitable in the North?

zone map for plant plant red potatoes in the north

As can be seen in the map above, average fall temperatures in Northern US states are 55°F or below. Almost all potato varieties, including red potatoes, need a daytime temp of 65 to 80°F. That means Northern states don’t have the desired temperature to grow these tubers during autumn.

Now, look at the southern US states, and the temperature is much closer to that range, making red potatoes the perfect fall crop for southern US.

Growing Red Potatoes Tips

A few additional tips to help grow red potatoes include:

1. Prepare the bed or container in advance


Proper soil conditions are necessary for a high yield of red potatoes. But how to prepare the soil? Check the tips below to know the answer:

  1. Ensure the pH level is between 6 to 6.5.
  2. Mix compost at a depth of 3′.
  3. While adding compost to the soil, use a shovel or rake to loosen Loose soil helps potato plants access nutrients and air that help them grow.
  4. 6-inch-deep trenches with a gap of 3 feet between them are necessary for growing potatoes. As for how far apart you should plant red potato seedlings, one foot is the answer.
  5. While placing the crops into the soil, ensure that the sprouts from potatoes face upwards. Doing so will help the plants grow.

If gardening in a container, put the taters in a 5-gallon bucket with drain holes, six inches of compost, and an equal amount of soil. Place the container in a south-facing location and water whenever the soil gets dry.

2. Get seed potatoes


The best option to plant taters is to get seed potatoes from a local nursery. Do not buy small tender potatoes from the supermarket, as they are often treated to prevent sprouting.

3. Harvest them right


Depending on whether you need tender small potatoes or mature potatoes, the time to harvest red potatoes will change.

Tender potatoes are ready to harvest three weeks after flowering. For mature potatoes, harvesting should be done when there is no live foliage, approximately 5 weeks after flowering.

4. Cure potatoes after harvest

Red potatoes are storable for three months once cured under appropriate conditions (low light and ample ventilation).

For curing, spread harvested potatoes in a well-ventilated area to dry them. After 14 days, you can move them to a dark, ventilated storage space.

5. Protect potatoes against pests and diseases

Potatoes are susceptible to various pests like scab, beetle, and aphids. The best way to get rid of them is to use a neem oil spray.


No need to rely on guesswork when you are faced with the question of when to plant red potatoes. Simply follow the guide above, and you will know more about the perfect time to plant them and get a bountiful yield. Have fun gardening!

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