When to Plant Strawberries in Missouri for a Bountiful Harvest

Written by

William Golder


Dorian Goodwin

when to plant strawberries in missouri

Fragaria plants are less challenging to grow when you know when to plant strawberries in Missouri.

With the state’s cold winter, which can go below 32℉ in the West Central Plains, and hot summers that can rise to 90℉, planting strawberries at the proper time is a requirement, especially since they are sensitive to extreme temperatures.

Therefore, grow them from March to April, in the spring when the soil is workable for the best growth.

Best Time to Plant Strawberries in Missouri

1. What month and season to plant strawberries?


Although strawberries are popularly known for being cold-hardy plants, freezing temperatures as low as 20℉ can hurt them.

The challenging thing about planting strawberries in Missouri is that the state can experience winter weather lower than 0℉ in its Northern part.

For this reason, growing strawberries in Missouri in March and April in the spring are ideal for planting outdoors.

Climates become mild and favorable during this time, ranging between 51-62℉, which strawberries prefer, since they flourish well in conditions around 50°F–80°F.

2. What are the planting dates of strawberries in different areas of Missouri?


Missouri occupies hardiness zones 5-7. And just like all other regions, they also have their dates to grow strawberry plants.

For those in zone 5, April 9th is the right time to plant strawberries, while March 31st is best for those in zone 6 and March 13th suits zone 7.

The reason for growing them during these times is that the soil becomes workable, making it ideal for planting berries in the ground. Once the soil is loose, it means that you can now plant strawberry roots.

But for more successful growing, ensure that the soil for strawberries is not soggy or too wet to avoid decaying problems.

However, planting them inside your home has a different sowing period if you prefer growing seeds yourself.

Although this method is somewhat burdensome because of the plant’s low germination character, growing them at least six weeks before your last frost will help you raise them well.

For zone 5 in Missouri, you can plant seeds on March 5th. February 24th is the ideal time for zone 6, and February 6th is the best bet for those in zone 7.

For a more successful germination rate, use a soilless medium in your trays, and place them on the windowsill where they can get 12 hours of sunlight.

Put them in pots with bigger sizes after sprouting to allow them to grow more. Then transplant strawberries outdoors after they have undergone the hardening period.

Best Strawberries to Plant in Missouri


Many strawberries that are ideal for growing in Missouri can tolerate higher temperatures.

Sweet Kiss is one good option to plant because aside from its high heat tolerance, it is also one of the sweetest strawberries that have an enormous size and grows well and fast.

Another one of the best strawberries to grow in the state is the Jewel variety. It’s perfect for Missouri because it can tolerate cold climates, which are common in the region, and produce large fruits with a long storage life.

The hybrid Rutgers Scarlet strawberry variety is also a fine choice for growing in the land. One of its best features is that it can flourish well under cold temperatures.

Plus, its sweet flavor and ability to fight off diseases make this variety more interesting to plant.


Can you plant strawberries any time?

No. However, planting strawberries in the fall will give you another chance to grow them if you missed sowing them in the spring.

Remember to grow them once autumn begins so that strawberries can establish their roots before they go inactive once freezing temperatures come. This will help them produce healthy foliage and blossoms necessary for bearing fruits.

Contrariwise, late summer or in July is too late to plant strawberries. This time of year can induce distress in the crop.

Are strawberries perennials in Missouri?

Yes. Strawberries are perennials that establish themselves in the first year and produce fruits in their second year. An established plant can live for many seasons.


Good timing, choosing the appropriate variety, and taking care of your plants are surely the keys to success in growing the most delicious and healthiest strawberries.

Ensure to plant them around March or April, once temperatures are mild to satisfy their growing requirements. Keep the soil loose and workable for ideal growth.

Hopefully, you have gained knowledge about when to plant strawberries in Missouri for successful cultivation. Thanks for visiting us!

Other vegetables that are good for planting in Missouri, click to know the best time to grow pumpkins and tomatoes.

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